It’s strange writing something like this using a service that’s owned by Google. 🙂
But it was long overdue.
There was a time when I used address Google as “Google God” :).
Used to believe a lot that they religiously follow their “Do no Evil” motto. I forgot that as companies grow, there are bound to be employs who are evil by nature.
It reminds me of my Pre-Placement Training during college days when I was “tutored” that, Honesty is not a strength. You are supposed to be honest” This obviously isn’t true when people take the excuse of “everybody-is-doing-it-so-why-not-me”.
And lets face it.
Money matters!
Anyways, coming back to the topic; I mentioned in one my previous blogs when my Google AdSense account was disabled because of my own mistakes. I took the responsibility and had no complaints. However, when my AdSense account was disabled for the second time, I made a thorough study of their privacy policies. That’s when I came to know about their two-faces.
They allow several sites to utilize their services even when they falter with the terms and conditions. One thing common among all these sites was, “they all are High Traffic sites”.
As I mentioned, a post on the topic was long overdue. I stopped myself with one or other reason. The latest development, however, made me talk about it.
According to Privacy International’s latest report on Top 23 Internet Companies, Google held the last spot (even below M$). This topic, as Privacy International itself admits, is controversial. It’s report however, is substantially supported.
You might want to have a look at the post on the same topic on RSnake’s blog. Do not miss out on the comments.
Footnote: This post is not an outlet to my anguish. I (mistakenly) had more faith in Google than most of you. Another post on innovativeness of Google technologies is due.
And BTW, I do not mean to say that Google has turned evil. I believe as the company has grown, the motto has changed to “Do no Evil. If there is any, close your eyes“.